Nomada: The Makers, Pura wool edition

Art direction / Audiovisual / Branding / Packaging / Print

For yet another year, the Nómada Market asked us to design an image for the market of all markets. However, a new concept was added this time around: The Makers. So, who are “The Makers”? They are all those producers, consumers and distributors who make responsible consumption possible, the goods of which require traditional production methods and a philosophy rooted in artisanal, handcrafted creations. The theme of this year’s edition was wool, a raw material that is capable of being transformed into a myriad of products, but which requires careful procedures in order to get the highest yield. In order to illustrate the care with which the “Makers” treat this product, we dolled up the protagonist of the event; first through retouching and then, when she was ready, Ilustre Mario stepped in and gave her his magic touch. We applied the image and the name (Pure Lana Edition) to all of the advertising materials so that the Nómada Market would once again become a reference for independent design. Pura laaana hermano, pura vida!

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